Back to the Roots

Back to the Roots

As the name of the exhibition already suggests it has been an important step for me. It was a chance for me not just to see how far I've come but also to look back to the origin of me as a person and as an artist

The Exhibition opened on Monday the 1st of August in Königsbrunn. It was an exciting evening with talented musicians and dance performers as well as many interesting guests.

Here are some pictures from the opening day:

Mrs. Margerete Aulbach, mayor of Königsbrunn introduced me to the audience and used this chance to take a short interview:

Our friends from Kultusbüro Königsbrunn also were at the vernissage and have posted a few lines on their facebook page:

But before the pictures could be displayed they first must be painted which can be a lot of fun as you might see here:

The exhibition was also followed by several people, journalists and papers. Here are some links to their pages and reports:

Augsburger Allgemeine

Diamond Celebrities

Of course after the vernissage I also haven't missed the opportunity to post a couple of words and pictures myself: